“Jurassic World: Rebirth” is the upcoming ninth installment in the “Jurassic Park” and “Jurassic World” franchise, set to premiere in theaters on July 2, 2025. The film is set five years after the events of “Jurassic World Dominion,” exploring a world where dinosaur ecology struggles to coexist with human society.

JURASSIC WORLD 4: REBIRTH – Trailer (2025) Scarlett Johansson, Chris Pratt  | Universal Pictures

The story follows Zora Bennett (Scarlett Johansson), a covert operations expert, and Dr. Henry Loomis (Jonathan Bailey), a paleontologist. They embark on a mission to retrieve genetic material from three massive prehistoric creatures—land, air, and sea dwellers—to develop a groundbreaking life-saving drug.

The Jurassic World Rebirth Trailer Reveals a New Dino Menace

Their journey leads them to an isolated island, formerly a Jurassic Park research facility, now harboring hidden dangers and secrets.

JURASSIC WORLD 4: REBIRTH – New Trailer (2025) Universal Pictures (2025)  (4K)

Official Trailer

The official trailer, released three weeks ago, offers a glimpse into the high-stakes adventure and the challenges the team faces amidst the revived prehistoric threats.


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